Pedidos de suministros Pro
Pedidos de suministros Pro
Pedidos de suministros Pro
Pedidos de suministros Pro
Pedidos de suministros Pro
Supply orders Pro

Supply orders Pro

1 Reviews

Module to make purchase orders to suppliers, manage your catalog and schedule purchases to know exactly what you are spending on purchases from suppliers

Compatible with PS 1.7 and 8


It allows to control the purchase orders to suppliers basing the purchase decisions on different prices per supplier, previous sales of that product, etc.

It allows you to create orders to several suppliers at once, worrying only about choosing the products.

It has reports to know how the behavior of a product

Allows you to create products from the interface even using the mobile camera

Orders can go through the states:

- Creation in process (allows you to edit the order)

- Order validated (the order is already closed)

- Pending receipt (The supplier is already notified of the order)

- Order partially received (you can indicate the quantities received)

- Order received completely (all units go to stock)

The module also allows you to view product reports, both purchased, sold and pending receipt.

To test the module within the demo in Orders -> supplier orders. Follow the link below to try it:

You can try it for 10 days in your store by downloading it from this link:

for PHP 7.x

for PHP 8.1

Reviews (1)

1 Reviews

Super útil!!!
By on 07/16/2021

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