We access the menu where we can see the contents of the cashdrawer:
1- The information of the cashdrawer: Name, employee, money at the beginning, current money, comments, opening hours of the box, etc.
2- List of movements of this cashdrawer with details of: ID, concept, Description, Quantity, Employee and Date.
3- Inflows or outflows of money. It can add the description and the corresponding amount.
4- Grouped cash movements. Where it will have a summary of all the movements that have happened in that cashdrawer.
5- Open the coin drawer.
6- Transfer the money from one cashdrawer to another. With this movement we will close the current cashdrawer and transfer the money to a new cashdrawer.
7-Close cashdrawer, a pop-up will be shown where you can enter the cash in the cashdrawer, where you can enter if there is a mismatch and the reason for this imbalance