Configurar datafono o lector de tarjetas en POS TPV Prestashop

Keyboard Shortcut

Keyboard shortcut by POS Prestashop

Alejandro Lozano

Enable kiosk (silent) printing

Enable kiosk (silent) printing for Google Chrome by POS TPV Prestashop

Alejandro Lozano

How to add products on the shopping list and use the barcode reader

How to add products on the shopping list and use the barcode reader

Alejandro Lozano

Returns Pos TPV Prestashop

POS Prestashop, return products in orders, return products with a vouchet code

Alejandro Lozano

How to Add and Manage New Clients

POS Prestashop, create customers prestashop

Alejandro Lozano

How to add products Pos TPV Prestashop

How to create products pos prestashop

Alejandro Lozano

How to add discounts POS TPV PRESTASHOP

How to add discounts POS TPV Prestashop

Alejandro Lozano

Cashdrawers POS TPV Prestashop

Pos POS Prestashop has the possibility of creating and eliminating Cashdrawers, as well as creating or closing cash counts for businesses that have several physical points of sale. Everything is centralized through our module

Alejandro Lozano

Different prices TPV Prestashop y Web

[VIDEOTUTORIAL] POS POS - Tutorial to configure different prices in products of our Prestashop POS and in products of the online store in Prestashop

Alejandro Lozano

Products only visible in POS Prestashop

Products only visible in POS Prestashop. Hide it in online store and show it in the physical store

Alejandro Lozano

Bulk Sale POS-TPV Prestashop

A bulk price is useful for those products that are not sold by units, but by weight, size or have other conditions that may fit into this classification.

Alejandro Lozano

Credit payment POS TPV Prestashop

Credit payments in POS POS Prestashop. In this tutorial we will teach how to make a sale in our Prestashop POS with the payment method "on credit".

Alejandro Lozano

POS Screen. Function in POS TPV Prestashop

The POS screen shows the actions carried out on an order in the POS Store. It is used for customers to see their purchase order simultaneously.

Alejandro Lozano

Quotation POS TPV prestashop

This tutorial explains how to create a quote to send to a customer in PDF or transform it into a successful purchase order.

Alejandro Lozano


Explanation of how to make a payment using various payment methods, the most commonly used are Cash and Card.

Alejandro Lozano